Company Profile
Company Introduction
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Company Profile
Company Introduction Alliance Software, Inc. is a global application development outsourcing company. Alliance was established in 2000 and has since grown to become one of the Philippines' largest and most respected independent software development outsourcing company.Alliance's delivery model is anchored on both on-shore and off-shore approach stressing on effective use of our key strengths in our people, process and technology. As part of Alliance’s strategic delivery model, Alliance have established an office in Japan & Manila.Alliance's main technology focus is in the areas of Open Source and IBM technologies. Product segment focus areas include Enterprise Retail Systems (POS), Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Messaging and Collaboration Systems.Alliance has developed service capabilities to include the entire spectrum of the Software Development process starting from Design (UI and Logic), Development (on various proprietary and open source technologies), QA/Testing, Deployment to Documentation (in English and Nihongo).Our ISO certifications (9001 and 27001) manifest Alliance’s commitment to the highest quality levels.
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