As with many things in life, great things may come from certain passions, big or small. With Mr. Gerry Apolinario, such was exactly the case. Gerry had a particular fondness for good food; a passion he shared with his family and friends. And from an earnest penchant for drink and grilled food, he yearned for a venue where both may be enjoyed amidst an atmosphere that was fun, fresh and wholesome.
Thus, after rounding up family and friends for a particular business venture, Gerry’s Grill was born on February 14, 1997 located at Tomas Morato corner Eugenio Lopez Avenue, Quezon City.
Gerry’s Grill boasted of a menu packed with scrumptious food ranging from grilled seafood, Filipino and Asian favorites, and tastefully prepared beermates and pica-pica. Along with favorite beverages from non-alcoholic drinks to brews and mixed preparations, our guests enjoyed the food immensely.