Apex Mining Co., Inc. was incorporated and registered with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on February 26,1970 primarily to carry on the business of mining, milling, concentrating, converting, smelting, treating, preparing for market, manufacturing, buying, selling, exchanging and otherwise producing and dealing in gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc brass, iron, steel and all kinds of ores, metals and minerals. On March 7, 1974, the Company listed its shares in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) and attained status of being a public company on the same date.
The Company is considered a public company under Rule 3.1 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Securities Regulation Code, which, among others, defines a public corporation as any corporation with assets of at least Php 50 million and having 200 or more shareholders, each of which holds at least 100 shares of its equity securities. As of December 31, 2007, the Company has 2,638 sharehol... [
Detailed Introduction]