HAMBURG Trading Corporation is a premiere, German-managed Philippine trading company, serving quality products for our clients for more than 50 years. We are highly committed to keeping our promise to give only the best products and services to our clients in different industries such as food and beverage, steel, glass, cement, laboratories, and construction, making us a trusted name in the trading business.
We are known for our expertise in international trade and for our absolute reliability.
Our focus is to help create genuine solutions and to give our clients 100% customer satisfaction. Whether it concerns food additives, raw materials, industrial chemicals or solutions for the cement or refractory business, we are known for our success in sharing our expertise.
Through the years, HAMBURG Trading Corp has diversified and continues to create new business-lines. At present we continue to perform an essential role in the country’s manufacturing, steel, cement and glass industries, and recently, introduced our own in-house brands. Visit our website at www.hamburgtradingcorp.com to know more about us