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CEC Construction cec_construction_corp  


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  • Tel.:+639567290278
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Company Profile
Company Name CEC Construction cec_construction_corp
Document Authentication Company information is not verified
Security Deposit ₱ 0.00
Company Type 企业单位 (制造商)
Your Current Location
Company Size 1-49人
Registered Capital Not filled
Year Of Registration 未填写
Business Mode 制造商
Business Scope 未填写
Products For Sale 未填写
Main Industry Service    
Company Introduction
Structural Carbon Fiber Retrofittingoffered by CEC Construction CoporationWe supply and application of carbon fiber retrofitting from Building Slabs, Girders, Beams, Columns, and Bridges.Message or Call us for more information.091783662210927157711009567290278For faster transaction send us the following:* Company Name* Company Address* Project Location* Name and Title to whom the formal quotation be addressed; and* Email AddressThank you!!

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