Chainsaw Converter

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Update 2023-04-15 12:40

C3 Hardware Wholesale

VIP   V 1第4年
保证金₱ 110000.00
Detailed Explanation

11.5" Electric Chainsaw Converter All-in-one free installation for grinder 4" 4.5" 5"

Type: Chain Saw Converter for Angle Grinder Power Source: Electricity Features: Upgraded chainsaw bracket, Built-in oil can, Quick chain adjustment, Easy installation The electric chain saw converter is suitable for 4 Inch-6 inch (100mm-150mm) electric angle grinder . When you want to tighten the chain or loosen the chain, first you need to loose the hex screws on the black board, then you can loose or tighten the screw with the screwdriver, when you feel the chain is suitable for your work, you can fix the hex screw again and use the chain saw. Convert your angle grinder to electric chain saw in a minute and easy to install belts.With plastic handle which is very convenient for carrying.Safety of sawing, effectively improve the efficiency of your work.The chain with outer guide oil hole, can let you use it more convenient.Widely used for forest harvesting, chopping fire wood & lopping, building material to cut wood, bamboo harvest, etc.

11.5 Electric Chainsaw Adapter Attachment Stand Co<i></i>nverter For Angle Grinder  | Kei Store Ph | Lazada PH

discount sale o<i></i>nline store 12 inch Electric Grinder Chain Saw Kit Stand  Bracket Co<i></i>nverter chainsaw Set With wholesale discount o<i></i>nline

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