Honda Civic Fd 1.8S Auto

Unit Price 288000.00 / PcsCompare
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Shipping Bulacan Santa Maria
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In Stock 6933 Pcs
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Update 2022-10-02 09:48


Detailed Explanation
Well maintained Personal CarOrig OR/CR Open DOS HonDA CIVIC 1.8S 2007AT114k+ OdonEW ENGINE OILNEW COOLANTNEW BATTERYNEW TIRESNEW RACK AND PINIonNEW Sparkplug and FiltersMugen Body kits (All plastic)-.Front, Rear ,Sides, Spoiler.-Projector Angel eyes headlightKooltek Ceramic tintissue : minors scratches , fade paint needs retouchTest drive and bring your mechanic. pick up dito sa bahay lng .pang ari po ang kotse Pm for sure interested buyers
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