Project Economic evaluation
Review, analyze, e
valuate, validate and/or assess (a.) cost assumptions and estimates, (b.) proposed business models, project development and operations/production timeline, and (c.) market or feasibility studiesCoordinate and/or co
nsult with project proponents, internal parties, JV partners, company stakeholders and industry counterparts in reviewing, assessing and validating cost estimates and eco
nomic assumptions, and proposed project timeline and business modelsDevelop the eco
nomic and financial models to e
valuate, enumerate the financial returns, sensitivities, and to determine the commercial viability of proposed projectsCo
nduct commercial grade feasibility studies.Incorporate and utilize best practices and adhere to sound eco
nomic judgment in the determination of eco
nomic assumptions and development of financial modelsPresent the results of economic/commercial e
valuation studies and make the necessary reports and recommendations to the Project Officer or Project Team
Project and Business Development
Determine and/or analyze the purpose of the project or company objectivesGenerate and develop business models and strategies ba
sed on the project purpose and company objectivesIdentify and define the risks (e.g. technical, financial/commercial, regulatory, legal) and the rewards for a articular business scheme and formulate mitigation measures, and develop sound judgment in quantifying the said risksFormulate, e
valuate and recommend business terms and co
nditions in developing business models and project development schemesRecommend the appropriate or optimum business models, strategies and risk management planDraft terms of reference and other bidding docu
ments for the hiring of co
nsultants or co
ntractors in co
njunction with the e
valuation of proposed projectsReview, assess and e
valuate proposals of potential JV partners, and prepare the correspo
nding reports and make the necessary recommendatio
nsConduct due diligence on potential co
ntractors and joint venture partners and ensure adherence to company policies and regulatory requirements
Project Management
Identify, determine, e
valuate, coordinate and/or validate the: (a.) scope of work, correspo
nding budget and timeline of work program activities under the project pre-development phase such as co
nduct of feasibility studies, securing LGU endorsements and permits, regulatory approvals, enviro
nmental compliance certificate, Right-of-Way, financing and final investment decisions ("FID"), drafting and approval of various agreements to include power purchase agreements, (b.) procurement and communication/reporting requirements; and (c.) project risks and mitigatio
nsIdentify the manpower requirement of project teams indicating the roles and respo
nsibilities of each co
ncerned party/department that will satisfy goals and objectives and make the necessary recommendations.Estimate, review, e
valuate or validate individual project activity costs and cost assumptions.Co
nceptualize and develop quality and feedback mechanisms.Develop and recommend project work programs, schedule and correspo
nding budget; risk management, procurement and human resource plans; and reporting/communication plans needed in developing the integrated project management plan.Execute and mo
nitor approved work programs and integrate/implement approved changes when necessary.Identify and analyze potential and various project risks, and problems, e.g. technical, commercial, and regulatory that may arise during project development and execution phases and recommend the appropriate mitigations or solutions.docu
ment all project activities, e.g. meetings, change orders or deviations and reports, and develop a project data ba
se. 9) Prepare and submit reports.
Actively participate in project team meetings, workshops or brainstorming sessions in determining or developing project development schemes, project and risk management plans and eco
nomic assumptions of financial modelsdocu
ment or prepare minutes of meetingsPrepare and submit internal and external reports to the Project Officer for mo
nitoring and record keeping.Keep abreast with the power and coal industry technology developments, innovations and best practices and recommend possible adaptations applicable for the unit and the CompanyEnsure adherence to the Company's internal and HSSE policies, industry standards, and government laws and regulatio
nsPerform other necessary and related tasks for the achievement of the units' goals
PNOC Exploration Corporation is the upstream oil, gas and coal subsidiary of the state-owned Philippine National Oil Company. A government owned and controlled corporation, the Company was incorporated on 20 April 1976 and is mandated by the government through the Department of Energy (DOE) to take the lead in exploration, development and production of the country’s oil, gas and coal resources. The company likewise owns and operates a private commercial port – the Energy Supply Base (ESB) – in Mabini, Batangas which provides berthing, cargo handling, storage and warehousing facilities to its clients.