Brightrely is a sophisticated Ed-tech startup that provides an after-school math excellence program for children from kindergarten to grade 8 studying math in the USA. We strive to make children great at math with the belief that math can transform a child's future.
Our goal is to prepare children for a bright tomorrow. We teach children skills that will prepare them to excel in their career while also developing their interests.
You Will Be:
Delivering fun and engaging 1-on-1 classes using s
cripts and materials provided.Communicating any feedback regarding lessons and co
ntent taught to the office team.Providing regular and detailed reports a
bout your students’ progress.Tracking and improving class engagement and learning experience.Generating and implementing creative ideas to stimulate and support our students.What we offer:Flexible working hours and work from home.Extensive training on teachingFun working enviro
nmentOngoing supportReady teaching materials ba
sed on our curriculumOpportunity to express and implement your ideas A young, supportive, and friendly teams
cripts and co
ntent for all the lesso
nsImproving your teaching skills with the help of Brighterly experienced mentorsA commitment to your perso
nal and professio
nal development with regular training opportunities What we ask:Advanced level(C1+) of English. + Little or no accent.Interest in interacting with young children.At least 6 mo
nth of experience in teaching young children.At least high-school level math knowledge and diploma.Communication and problem solving skills.Ability to work weekends and/or weekday afternoons and evenings.Ability to work as Self-Employed.Patience with a pleasant demeanor and politeness.Ability to approach different people.Punctuality, good skills at time-keeping and time management.
Please note:
This is a remote work position so you will need your own laptop, a stable internet connection, a good camera and microphone and a quiet place to work from, with a plain background.
Are you looking for a part-time online job? Click the button 'Apply Now! and we'll contact you as soon as possible!