External Security Officer[Negros]

Increase the font size  Reduce the font size 2022-10-29 IP Location 菲律宾 291
Industry Category Services Position Armed Forces
Recruitment Department Number Of Recruits several
Work Location Negros Occidental Nature Of Work Full Time
Gender Requirements Male Marriage Requirement No marital status restrictions
Education Level Bachelor's Degree Work Experience No work experience restrictions
Age Requirement Above 18 years old Salary Package Negotiable
Updated Date 2022-10-29 Valid Until Valid for a long time
Job Description

Job Summary:

▪ Responsible for defining, implementing, monitoring, validating, and recommending updates of policies and

procedures consistent with the EDC Security Protocol, external security vulnerability assessment, waiver

system, security plan, external security policies, 3rd-party security survey/assessment reports, DV security

coverage, internal and external coordination for CSR programs and activities, ensuring that external

security risks are identified, mitigation measures are planned and managed.

▪ Responsible for intelligence requirements of the group, maintaining close and regular coordination with the

AFP, PNP, and other Task Units.

Job Scope and Responsibilities:


● Recommends necessary inputs by identifying external security gaps and

measures in developing long-term security objectives, targets, and

programs for the protection of all company personnel, stakeholders,

properties, and business interests in his designated area of concern.

● Supports the Head Facilities APMD in having oversight function in the

management of PA augmented forces in accordance with the MOA for

security requirements to address current and emerging security threats.

● Recommends to the Head Facilities APMD for the

deployment/redeployment of PA augmented force within the geothermal

reservation area to complement the NIGP security requirements.

● Oversees the day-to-day activities of the PA augmented force to meet set

goals and targets of the Asset Protection Management Department as a

contributory effort to achieve zero injuries to people and zero damage to


● Prepares, updates (as needed) and implements security contingency plans

to address varying security situations by incorporating acceptable

responses and to mitigate, if not eliminate, exposure to security risks of

EDC assets.

● Recommends necessary inputs by identifying external security gaps and

measures in developing long-term security objectives, targets, and

programs for the protection of all company personnel, stakeholders,

properties, and business interests in his designated area of concern.

● Supports the Head Facilities APMD in having oversight function in the

management of PA augmented forces in accordance with the MOA for

security requirements to address current and emerging security threats.

● Recommends to the Head Facilities APMDfor the

deployment/redeployment of PA augmented force within the geothermal

reservation area to complement the NIGP security requirements.

● Oversees the day-to-day activities of the PA augmented force to meet set

goals and targets of the Asset Protection Management Department as a

contributory effort to achieve zero injuries to people and zero damage to


● Prepares, updates (as needed) and implements security contingency plans

to address varying security situations by incorporating acceptable

responses and to mitigate, if not eliminate, exposure to security risks of

EDC assets.


● Coordinates security of all personnel who will be working in

external/critical areas by conducting security orientations/briefs to ensure

compliance to EDC Security Protocol and Waiver System and apprise them

of the prevailing security situation in the target area of their awareness

and guidance.

● Review the effectiveness of current practices by assessing feedback on

actual implementation to recommend "best practices" in industrial security

setting for the enhancement of relevant security policies and procedures.

● Coordinates with the Philippine Army unit which has overall operational

control on the augmented force for its utilization based on standing

operational procedures by adhering to published AFP rules and regulations

in compliance with the existing MOA and its instrumentalities.

● Team up with 3rd party entities (AFP, PNP, etc...) by corroborating

agreements for the conduct of security survey and inspection and

vulnerability assessments to obtain impartial and objective results for the

enhancement of existing security posture.

● Works in partnership with local authorities (AFP, PNP, NBI, PDEA, etc...) in

the full background investigation and verification of the

character/reputation of persons handling sensitive positions and dubious

persons working inside the facility in order to maintain and uphold the

integrity of the workforce.

● Performs security assessments on the current threat situation in a counter-

insurgency environment by networking with AFP and PNP units in the

region (20 km radius guard zone and other business prospects) to come up

with a comprehensive and/or area-specific security assessment for the

awareness and guidance of concerned group/s.

● Monitors security operations initiated by local law enforcers conducted

within the geothermal reservation area and adjacent areas that may have a

direct/indirect impact on NIGP operations.

● Interacts with 3rd party security specialists for the employment of modern

security tools and tradecraft to support the overall security services

group's initiative.

● Collaborates with 3rd party (vendor-managed) supplier of radio

communication equipment by outlining requirements to ensure efficient

and timely communication between the internal and augmented forces

(especially in times of immediate mobilization) is attained.

● Coordinates with the local PNP and military (or local government agency,

as appropriate) in areas where corporate social responsibility services of

the company will be delivered to ensure the maintenance of peace and

order and the smooth delivery of CSR projects.

● Establishes networks in the barangay by identifying reliable sources of

information on illegal logging activities within the geothermal reservation

area, mobilization of the Philippine Army augmentation force deputized by

the DENR for the possible arrest of malefactors and confiscation of illegally

cut logs in coordination with WMD to curb such activities as a contributory


● Executes instructions from the Head Facilities APMD(as Incident

Commander) for the mobilization of augmented force by organizing

available personnel as force multipliers to respond to emergency


● Plans and conducts, in coordination with the Emergency Response Group

Lead, emergency drills or evacuation exercises for all personnel and/or

workers to rehearse procedures in responding to emergencies in order to

ensure the effectiveness of the plan, imbibe individual roles and to

minimize, if not avoid, injury and damage to property during the

occurrence of an emergency.

● Ensures readiness of PA augmented force during the occurrence of

calamities/disasters by maintaining operational strength and providing

logistical support to maintain unhampered security operations in

anticipation of an impending calamity/disaster.

● Apprises NIGP and APMD through Head – APMD MAGP/NIGP by collating and assessing field reports on the status and damages incurred to aid them in coming up with sound decisions.

● Undertakes any other security duties as may reasonably be required by the Head – APMD MAGP/NIGP.


● Prepares an appropriate annual working OPEX and CAPEX budgets to Head Facilities APMD to support external security projected requirements and work programs.

● Controls and monitors the approved annual operating budget, plans, and

programs in his area of concern.

● Coordinates and ensures adequate resource complement (manpower,

materials, and equipment) for the implementation of approved work


● Identifies and recommends training needs to upgrade skills of PA

augmented force in collaboration with the Philippine Army.


Educational Requirement

BS in Military Education / BS Criminology / Security Education / relevant college degree or equivalent

▪ Required Professional Experience

Certified Security Professional / Certified Protection Professional or its equivalent

▪ Skills and Training Required

Security Professional, Leadership and Administrative Training, Security Operations Management, SecurityRisk & Crisis Management, Government Security Regulations, Agency Relations, and Networking, SecurityInformation and Data Gathering, evaluation, Assessment and Dissemination, Security Operations & Protective Services
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More>Company Introduction
Energy Development Corporation is a geothermal energy industry pioneer and the recognized world leader in wet steam field technology. In the Philippines, EDC is the largest vertically integrated geothermal company, delivering 1,475MW of clean and renewable energy. We continue to diversify our renewable energy portfolio through investments in hydropower, solar power and wind energy projects in the Philippines. With almost 40 years of geothermal mastery, EDC is set to deliver the benefits of sustainable geothermal development to communities around the world as it ventures into Latin America and Indonesia.EDC is part of the First Gen Corporation (“First Gen”) Group, which has the largest portfolio of power plants using clean and renewable technology in the Philippines. First Gen’s 16 power generation plants have a combined capacity of 2,763MW. First Gen has one of the cleanest power portfolios in the country with its entire power generation portfolio utilizing fuels such as geothermal steam, water, and natural gas.Wind power complements EDC’s existing power generation assets including the baseload geothermal plants, as well as, the Pantabangan hydroelectric plant, which serves as a peaking plant.EDC has become the leading geothermal energy producer in the Philippines through the successful development and operation of numerous geothermal energy projects. Since 1983, the Company has successfully developed, financed, built, and operated seven geothermal steamfields in five geothermal contract areas, containing both wet and dry steam. These steamfields currently supply geothermal steam to geothermal power plants with an aggregate installed capacity of 1,130 MW. In addition, the Company currently, directly and indirectly, owns and operates eleven geothermal power plants with a total installed capacity of 1,181 MW. EDC, through its indirect wholly owned subsidiary Green Core Geothermal, Inc., operates the 192.5MW Palinpinon and 112.5MW Tongonan geothermal power plants. Bacman Geothermal, Inc., another indirect wholly owned subsidiary of EDC, operates the 130MW Bacman geothermal power plant. The Company believes this track record has enabled it to develop the expertise needed to assess the feasibility of future acquisitions and greenfield projects, ensure the safe and efficient construction of power plants, and provide for efficient power plant operations.OUR VISION AND MISSIONVISIONWe will become the global leader in geothermal energy as we strengthen our leadership in the Philippine renewable energy industry.MISSIONWe are committed to provide the present and future generations a better life with clean and renewable energy.We are committed to promote customer and investor interests, employee development, community welfare and environmental stewardship at all times.OUR CORPORATE OBJECTIVESMaximize Shareholders’ ValueSustain Profitable GrowthExpand Customer BaseEnhance Customer RelationshipAchieve Operational ExcellenceSustain High-performing Organization OUR CORE VALUESWe have the best-qualified and trained professionals, technical people and support staff who persist in always bringing EDC to industry leadership. The company’s geothermal team has over 40 years of technical and management experience in the geothermal industry. We also have a core team geoscientists and engineers who are holders of degrees from Geothermal Institutes in Iceland, Italy, New Zealand and Japan.We are guided by the following distinct Lopez Group values:A Pioneering Entrepreneurial SpiritBusiness ExcellenceUnityNationalismSocial JusticeIntegrityEmployee Welfare and WellnessWe know from generations of experience that it is by living according to these values that a company can be built to last.


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