
Increase the font size  Reduce the font size 2022-10-21 IP Location 菲律宾 172
Industry Category Accounting / Finance Position Banking / Finance
Recruitment Department Number Of Recruits several
Work Location Pampanga Nature Of Work Full Time
Gender Requirements Male Marriage Requirement No marital status restrictions
Education Level College Diploma Work Experience No work experience restrictions
Age Requirement Above 18 years old Salary Package Negotiable
Updated Date 2022-10-21 Valid Until Valid for a long time
Job Description

The cashier is responsible for the custody and control of all moneys, funds and other assets of the branch including the cash in vault and vital documents, accountable forms and stationeries and supplies; and supervises and controls the works and activities of the cash unit in the branch. The Branch Cashier exercises direct control and supervision of Tellers, New Accounts Clerks, and Messenger-Janitor. The cashier is answerable to the Branch Manager/Officer-in-Charge of the branch. Also, the Branch Cashier takes instructions from the Treasury Head at the Corporate Office on matters concerning cash handling and other related matters.

The specific functions, duties and responsibilities of the Branch Cashier are as follows:

1.                Upon opening of the Branch, delivers enough cash to tellers to service over-the-counter withdrawals, encashment and loan releases.

2.                Performs overseeing function lookout over the tellers in the conduct of their duties.

3.                At the end of the day, receives cash from tellers, prepares own proof sheet and delivers cash to the vault after it has been counter-checked by the Branch Operations Officer.

4.                Keeps dual custodianship with BOO of all signature cards, one set under lock in the vault, and loan folders, including original land titles offered as collateral and other loan documents.

5.                Keeps custody of the vault combination (for opening of the bank vault) jointly with the BOO of the branch.

6.                Acts as custodian of the funds and securities of the bank.

7.                Conducts daily bank reconciliation of the branch depository bank.

8.                Deposits checks to depository banks and verify returned checks if any.

9.                Implements and monitors the following cash section banking hours and check depository clearing cut-off time.

10.          Prepares and/or verifies and signs within his/her levels of authority the following:

           A. Cashier’s Check duly approved for disbursement and voucher of approved loans for releases.

           B. Savings and Time Deposits new accounts and withdrawals

           C. Daily cash transaction blotter

           D. Required forms and documents of new accounts and signatures

E. Daily Cash Position Report and submit to Treasury Unit at least one-day in advance with data on, among others, to wit:

• Deposit reserve requirements;

• Operational fund for loan releases and other allocations;

• Maturing Deposits.

.11. Report to BOO/BMs in case there is cash requirement (deliver or assistance) for the next day.

12.  Exercise an effective control and monitoring over files safe kept inside the vault, maintain registers for In and Out of authorize personnel inside the vault, CCs, COCIs, PDC, Returned Checks, Supplies and Stationeries, Ors, PNs, Passbooks, Checkbooks, Client Inquiry, Telephone usage, Transmittal, Backdoor, Genset Testing, Inventory of release of Titles, Inventory of Proof Sheets, Shortage and Overage.

13. Provide official reply to the customer (but with prior approval of the CCO/VP for Branches Operations, President & CEO).

14. Requests client feedback using client feedback form.

15. Approves all withdrawal; approves account opening and closing and ensures that all identification/KYC requirements are complete.

16. Approves opening and closing of Loan Account.

17. Addressing of all Compliance and Audit Findings within prescribed deadline. 

18. Prepares and submits periodic report on customer feedback and complaints to Head Consumer Assistance Officer or COS.

19.Keeps all the confidential information relative to the Bank, its officers and employees, as well as its clients strictly confidential.

20.Acts as co-custodian (secondary liability) of cash and titles inside the Vault and its combination.

21.Keeps custody of the vault combination (in dual custody with the cashier).

22.Prepares and submit daily Outstanding Exception Report to the Branch operations Department

23.Prepares /Accomplish and submit to Branches Department the Branch Monitoring Checklist of Operation Concerns on monthly basis.

24.Performs call-back of transactions at the end of banking day,

25.Monitors the sending of various letters such as Thank You letters, Dormancy letters among others.

26.Prepares and submit a report on any incidence that may affect the bank operations.

27.Prepares/submits accomplished Daily Routine List.

28.Checks daily all communication channel such as emails and skype of the branch

29.Performs irregular /un announced cash counts

30.Upon opening of the Branch making sure that all forms for operations are adequate and readily available, updates Branch bulletin, including all marketing paraphernalia like flyers, standees and posters are properly in placed.

31.Attend all branch operations training /seminars conducted by the Bank.

32.Performs other functions, duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or directed by the Management.

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More>Company Introduction
NRBSL started to operate in the municipality of San Leonardo, province of Nueva Ecija, Central Luzon after the BSP granted it license to operate in 1993. Year after year it was rated highly by the BSP as NRBSL increased its clientele and continued to find ways to improve the plight of the enterprising poor and help develop sustainable communities. NRBSL was born out of the longing of development practitioners from the nonprofit, non-government, and professional banking sectors to alleviate, if not eradicate, poverty in the Philippines. Through the Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO), a Netherlands-based development financing agency, the intrepid founders of NRBSL found the light and reason in banking with the poor. At the helm of the Bank is the visionary and innovative Andres 'Boypee' G. Panganiban, the first CEO and president of NRBSL. Once a top executive of Chase Manhattan Bank and a development advocate as well, Panganiban combined professional management and banking expertise with a heart for the disenfranchised and marginalized sectors of society. With the emergence of NRBSL, rural banking was never the same again.

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