Fix application and system problems or any issues that are disrupting the application service that business users depend on.Will be responsible for ensuring support levels from both management and users.Will need to track, solve and report support issues and search for solutions to these issues.
S L I Consulting Inc. provides IT enabled services. We offer cost effectivealternative solutions to the persistent demand for improved and more responsiveIT application development projects through our well trained SystemsDevelopment Teams.The services that SLIC provides range from analysis and design, programming,education and training, database buildup, application development and moreimportantly, application quality assurance. To support these services, we havean in-house pool of programmers, analysts, designers, project managers,encoders and application quality testers with experience in micros, mid-rangeand mainframe environments.Recognizing the need to continuously upgrade the skills of practicingprofessionals, SLIC has the necessary facilities to conduct in-house training bothfor experienced technical professionals and to new graduates seeking to developtheir careers in programming.
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