Trainer / Training Manager

Increase the font size  Reduce the font size 2022-09-27 IP Location 菲律宾 163
Industry Category Education / Training Position Training & Dev
Recruitment Department Number Of Recruits several
Work Location All Cities Nature Of Work Full Time
Gender Requirements Male Marriage Requirement No marital status restrictions
Education Level Open to all levels Work Experience No work experience restrictions
Age Requirement Above 18 years old Salary Package Negotiable
Updated Date 2022-09-27 Valid Until Valid for a long time
Job Description
The ResponsibilitiesConduct the overall training for newly hired FTEs, including orientation sessions of company policies and procedures.Research on client products and services to improve training and offer solutions.Provide operational guidance. Train, coach, monitor, recognize, support, and promote discipline in any given situation.Administer needs analysis/skill gap assessment and conduct refresher training when necessary. Carry out a needs assessment and performance reviews to officers.Coordinate and collaborate with fellow coaches to ensure a seamless customer experience.Establish a good working relationship with multiple departments essential to new hires during training (i.e., Recruitment, IT, and the HR team)The Ideal CandidateYou display a passion for teaching. You come to work motivated, and you bring positive energy to the room.Public speaking is second nature. Not only are you passionate, but you walk the talk. You have excellent listening, negotiating, and presentation skills aligned to a strong customer service orientation.You are a team player. You can work while maintaining an engaging relationship with leaders, clients, internal and external stakeholders.You are a leader of the people. You can build a highly engaging work environment with individuals of different backgrounds.You are flexible. Should a change of tide arrive, you can ride each wave in a snap. Adaptability is never a new thing.You can work independently. You take responsibility for seeing tasks through to completion.Your English communication skill is second to none.You demonstrate grit. You never give up. You don't always know the answer, but you don't give up until you crack it. Sticking at it makes you stronger.You have curiosity. You want to know your clients and colleagues, what makes them tick, and what it will take to help them grow.You love learning. You know learning is the key to mobility, growth, and transformation. It's a commitment. You are committed.You show grace. You have unconditional love and empathy for your fellow man. You know that without love, this world is merely a transactional scorecard of winners and losers. You don't want to reinforce that operating system. You drive a paradigm shift to an infinite mindset where you start knowing that there is plenty to go around.You are honest but sincere. You are true to yourself, open, trustworthy, and truthful. You value tact, diplomacy, and compassion when delivering the truth. You know sincerity provides depth to honesty.You have integrity. You stand up for what you believe is right and live by your highest values.Education and ExperienceBachelor's/College degree2-3 years of experience working as a Trainer in a BPO setting
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More>Company Introduction
Powering Growth.Enshored is the leading outsourcer for start-ups. We’re here for the innovators, for the scalers. We’re here for the creators, for the makers, for the horizon scanners who saw it and then went out there and built it.Bring us your disruptive start-up, and we will bring you the people, the framework, the mindset, and track record to power your growth. Grow with Enshored. We achieve this is by living and working to a unique set of values that guide us and help define who we are:• Grit. We never give up. We don’t always know the answer, but we don’t give up until we crack it. Sticking at it makes us stronger• Curiosity. We want to know you, what makes you tick and what it will take to help you grow• Learning. Learning is the key to mobility, growth and transformation. It’s a commitment. We’re committed• Grace. The unconditional love for our fellow man. What is this world without love – merely a transactional scorecard of winners and losers. We don’t want to reinforce that operating system. We are driving a paradigm shift to an infinite mindset where we start from the knowledge that there is plenty to go round• Honesty & Sincerity. Being true to ourselves. Being honest, being open, trustworthy and truthful. Sincerity provides depth to honesty, as our honesty at times can even betray us, as we all hide behind our deep pain and hurt• Integrity. Integrity is standing up for what we believe is right and living by our highest values.Our philosophy leads us to invest in the best people we can find, and working side by side we help them build the career paths they deserve. SpecialtiesBusiness Process Outsourcing, Digital Customer Service, Content Moderation, Sales and Marketing, Back Office SupportWebsite IndustryOutsourcing/OffshoringFounded2014

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